Monday, December 17, 2012

Homework - Week of December 17th

Thursday, December 20th

Social Studies: 
Due Friday.  Watch whatever TV shows you normally watch.  When you do, write down the name of the show you are watching.  Record the number of times you see someone in possession of a weapon of any sort.  You can decide whether to just include handguns or all types.  Just make sure you specify what you are keeping track of.

If you do not watch television, no problem.  Write a quick letter with this information and have a parent/guardian sign it.  You will receive full credit for this assignment.

6A - Continue working on answering your philosophical question.  By Friday, you should have at least four paragraphs as follows: Introduction paragraph, paragraph containing the pro side of the philosophical question, paragraph containing the con side of the philosophical question, and conclusion. This is where you include your perspective, thoughts and philosophical belief (your attempt at answering the question).

6B - If you are prepared for your Friday math test (Ms. Halleron), You have the option of working on your first draft of this assignment.  I will not penalize anyone who does not turn this in until after the break.  The final copy won't be collected until the first full week of 2013.  In other words, you have time to complete this assignment!

Wednesday, December 19th

Social Studies: 
Due Friday.  Watch whatever TV shows you normally watch.  When you do, write down the name of the show you are watching.  Record the number of times you see someone in possession of a weapon of any sort.  You can decide whether to just include handguns or all types.  Just make sure you specify what you are keeping track of.

If you do not watch television, no problem.  Write a quick letter with this information and have a parent/guardian sign it.  You will receive full credit for this assignment.

6A - Continue working on answering your philosophical question.  By Thursday, , you should have at least two paragraphs outlining your personal point of view.  You should also begin to incorporate details and opinions from other sources (the research you should have been doing in class this afternoon).

6B - If you are prepared for your Friday math test (Ms. Halleron), You have the option of working on your first draft of this assignment.  I will not penalize anyone who does not turn this in until after the break.  The final copy won't be collected until the first full week of 2013.  In other words, you have time to complete this assignment!

Monday, December 17th

As an extension of what we are learning in Social Studies (philosophy), continue to brainstorm on your philosophical statement you will be writing about.  

Tuesday objective: Have a minimum of 10 brainstorm ideas listed in your writing journal.  Next, organize the brainstorm thoughts into a logical sequence.  Once you rearrange (or number the order of your brainstorm ideas), you can start writing in paragraph form.  

Your challenge: make sure your voice brings out your passion and deep thinking thoughts.  Use the posters in the classroom to help direct whether you should make your writing expository, or persuasive.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Homework - Week of December 10th

Friday, December 14th 

Next week, we are going to be writing about an extension of what we are learning in Social Studies: Philosophy.   This weekend, think of a philosophical statement (just a statement) that you would like to write about.  Example: What came first, the chicken or the egg.

Thursday, December 13th

Social Studies:
My homeroom students did not end up taking the Chapter 4 test today.  We will do everything we can for everyone to take it Friday.

Looking forward to seeing the holiday concert tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 11th

Social Studies:
Students should continue to update and organize your notes for Chapter 4.  The test is this Thursday!

Monday, December 10th

General: Many students are not turning their work in on time!  Please check the blog for all assignments.  To be sure I have grades in before progress report cutoff, I need to get grades in by the end of the week.  Bottom line: Please turn in all missing work ASAP!  

For those of you that didn't finish in class, here are the questions we will continue discussing this week: 

Respond to questions in your notebook
1) How do you think grownups should treat kids?
2) Should grownups help kids do things correctly, or let them figure things out for themselves?
3) Should grownups ask kids about their feelings or leave kids to themselves?
4) Should grownups get mad when kids do something wrong, or act like nothing has happened?
5) Should grownups have high expectations of kids, or be satisified with whatever effort kids make?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Homework - Week of December 3rd

Thursday, December 6th

"My First Dive with the Dolphins" test is Friday.

Homework: For those that did not complete the vocabulary images in class (about half did), that is due Friday.

Don't forget to practice the vocab questions and read the story one more time (at least).

To better prepare you for the test, here are a few of the extended response questions:

1) What do you think the head diver meant when he said that 5 percent of the writer's job would due magic? Why would he use the word "magic"?

2) What do you think the writer's purpose or purpposes were in writing this selection? Why do you think so?

3) What would you say is the most important way in which animals are different from people?  Explain your answer.

Study Island: Complete the pretest, Making Predictions (3A), Text Structure and Format (3B), and Charts, Graphs, Maps & Tables (3C).  Due Friday December 7th.  At the end of the day, I will run the report.  In order to receive all 10 points, you must have earned all 4 ribbons.

Wednesday, December 5th

IF YOU DID NOT TURN THIS IN ALREADY: My First Dive with the Dolphins: P. 73 # 1-6.

Study Island: Complete the pretest, Making Predictions (3A), Text Structure and Format (3B), and Charts, Graphs, Maps & Tables (3C).  Due Friday December 7th.  At the end of the day, I will run the report.  In order to receive all 10 points, you must have earned all 4 ribbons.

6B only: Punctuating Quotations.

Tuesday, December 4th

My First Dive with the Dolphins: P. 73 # 1-6.

Study Island: Complete the pretest, Making Predictions (3A), Text Structure and Format (3B), and Charts, Graphs, Maps & Tables (3C) by this Friday.  At the end of the day, I will run the report.  In order to receive all 10 points, you must have earned all 4 ribbons.

Social Studies:
P. 130 #1-7 and the Venn Diagram comparing Athens with Sparta.  You must have 10 items in your Venn to earn all points.