Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Homework, Week of April 29th

Social Studies: 
Complete the "An Army of the Dead", and "The Secret of Silk" worksheets.  Both are due Monday.

Reading: (due Monday!)
"Salvador, Late or Early" worksheet.

Answer the following questions:

1 and 2) List Salvadors Strengths and Challenges (at least 5).

3) Identify the key component or main idea from Paragraph 1, 2 and 3.

4) What is your perspective of the authors reference to the "black nub" of a crayon.

5) Why does the author choose the number 101 in the piece?  There are 2 references; one in paragraph 2 and in paragraph 3.

6) Salvador starts off as a caterpillar and ends up fluttering away.  What is that all about?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Homework, Week of April 22nd

Friday, April 26th

Social Studies: 
Practice with Chinese Writing - Find a quote or saying that you like.  Do your best to reproduce the quote using Chinese Calligraphy.  Please be sure to include the English translation.  Sites you can use (but are not limited to):


The final copy of this is due Monday.   Make sure it's wall worthy! (nothing in pencil and it shows effort and quality).

Wednesday, April 24th

Complete the "Confucius Quotes" worksheet.

Social Studies: 
Keep working on your Endangered Animals project.  The presentations will start Friday.

Remember, the presentation can include a skit, poster board, rap song, poem, power-point....anything!  It must:
1) Include the environment, habitat, and general details about the animal you researched.
2) Explain what humans are doing to cause it to be endangered.  Be specific!
3) Your proposal for how to fix the problem.

Monday, April 22nd (Earth Day)

Social Studies: 
"Water Audit" worksheet.  Interview a family member or friend and answer the questions just like you did in class today.

Step one: Remember to ask them how much water they think they consume in a day BEFORE you ask the questions from the worksheet.

Read and complete the 10 question handout on "Chinese History 101".

Both worksheets are due Tuesday.

Today, a letter was sent home inviting you to attend the 6th Grade Parent Meeting on 4/29 @ 8:30.  All students were instructed to have this signed by a parent and brought back no later than Thursday morning.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Homework, Week of April 15th

Friday, April 19th

Complete the two worksheets (double-sided) relating to the "Bad Characters" Junior Great story.  This is due Monday.

Thursday, April 18th 

Social Studies:
Complete "The Geography of China" worksheet.  This is due Friday.

Also, some of you have not yet turned in your India Brochure.  The last day I will be accepting them is  next Monday.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Homework, Week of April 8th

Friday, April 12th

Social Studies:
For most of you, your India Brochure is due Monday.  Again, this will be applied as your first  test/project grade for the 4th quarter.  It will not be considered late if you give it to me Monday.  It will be considered late if you give it to me after Monday.

As you all know, this can be hand written or done on the computer.  I love how we used technology to make brochures.  For some of you, this worked well. For others (internet issues, learning curve, etc) maybe it's best to do it by hand this time around.

Please make sure you use the guidelines as a....guide for how to complete your brochure.  You don't have to stick to it 100%, but know that if you follow it and the rubric, you can earn a high grade for this project.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 10th

Social Studies:
Re: your India Brochure, it due:
1) Thursday if you would like this test/project grade for the 3rd quarter.
2) Monday, if you would like this test/project grade for the 4th quarter.  It will not be considered late if you give it to me Monday.  It will be considered late if you give it to me after Monday.

As you all know, this can be hand written or done on the computer.  I love how we used technology to make brochures.  For some of you, this worked well. For others (internet issues, learning curve, etc) maybe it's best to do it by hand this time around.

Please make sure you use the guidelines as a....guide for how to complete your brochure.  You don't have to stick to it 100%, but know that if you follow it and the rubric, you can earn a high grade for this project.

Tuesday, April 9th

Social Studies:
For many of you, you are off to a great start with your India Brochure.
For some others, you have some work to do tonight!

Please make sure you use the guidelines as a....guide for how to complete your brochure.  You don't have to stick to it 100%, but know that if you follow it and the rubric, you can earn a high grade for this project.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Homework, Week of April 1st

Friday, April 5th

Test on "A Shipment of Mute Fate" was rescheduled to Monday.  There will be questions on vocabulary, comprehension and connection to story.  Examples of questions you will receive are below (in Thursday's HW).

Social Studies: 
During class on Tuesday and Wednesday, we will be working on our India Brochure.  Today, I passed out the rubric and template for how this could be completed.  Feel free to get started on it over the weekend.  One series from NPR that I found particularly interesting:

Thursday, April 4th

Complete the 2 sided worksheet on "A Shipment of Mute Fate".  This is due Friday.

Test on "A Shipment of Mute Fate" is Friday.  There will be questions on vocabulary, comprehension and connection to story.  Examples of questions you will receive:

Question 1: At first, the captain decides not to allow the bushmaster on board.  Why might he think this is a good decision? Do you think it is a good decision?  Explain.

There are 3 other questions similar to question 1.

One of the 3 response questions: Why do you think people tend to enjoy being scared by stories and movies? Give at least two reasons.

Your 1000 word story is due Friday!  If you still need to see the image, page down a couple of screens.
This can be hand written or typed.  If it's hand written, make sure it's neat and is on loose-leaf paper.

Wednesday, April 3rd

Social Studies:
Complete worksheet pages 119-120.  This is due Thursday.

Test on "A Shipment of Mute Fate" is Friday.  There will be questions on vocabulary, comprehension and connection to story.

Your 1000 word story is due Friday!  If you still need to see the image, page down a couple of screens.

** Franklin Calendar **
Both 214 and 216 are having their Franklin Calendar pictures taken Thursday!

214 Students: Please bring in Mittens, Gloves, Scarves, Hats to wear as a prop for your January 2014 Calendar Picture.   If it looks "wintery", wear it!

216 Students: According to what was discussed in class Wednesday, wear blue jeans (or something similar), and a red, white or blue shirt according to the list below:

Amoah, Nadia Red
Baert, Zoe White
Branda, Benjamin Red
Branson, Henry Blue
Brooks, Nigeria White
Campbell, Mckennen Blue
Carrasquillo, Gisella Red
Conley, Aaron Blue
Cortez, Abriel White
Crawford, Sommer White
Edwards, Asha Red
Heldt, Taylee White
Hobbs, Vinison Red
Hoos, Thomas Red
Hope, Atieno White
Irving, Jack White
King, Maya Red
Kook, Serra Blue
Moore, Tamia Red
Oliver, Jeremy Red
Pernot, Gabriel Red
Rolon, Paolo Blue
Scholle, Thomas Red
Shoaib, Ana White
Soto, Niani White
Space-Sykes, Vanessa-Mari White
Thomas, Johb White
Tran, Erin Red
Villada, Reyna White
Viruet, Nevaeh White
Wier, Christopher Red
Williams, Ronald White

Monday, April 1st

Social Studies:
If you have not already completed the "Ganesh" worksheet, work on this tonight.  This is due Tuesday.

Your final version of the 1000 word story is due this Friday (April 5th).  The image for the story is below.