Monday, November 14, 2016

Homework, Week of November 14th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 235-238.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 205-208.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 229-232.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 199-202.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Homework, Week of November 7th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 223-226.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 219-220. I collected journal pages 217-218 at the end of class Tuesday.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 211-214

4th Math:
Practice your vocab flashcards and complete the Complete journal pages 211-214. Your chapter 3 test is Tuesday.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Homework, Week of October 24th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 197-200.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 175-178.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 185-188.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 163-166.


4th Science:
Most of you completed the Investigation - Exercise and Heart Rate in class. If you did not, please make sure you finish tonight.


5th Math:
Complete worksheet titled "Division (A)". Make sure you include the check step for each of the 25 problems. You have a quiz on sections 1-4 on Tuesday.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 155-158. You have a quiz on sections 1-4 on Tuesday.

5th Soc:
Complete the "Disagreeing Respectfully" worksheet

Monday, October 17, 2016

Homework, Week of October 17th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 171-174.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 143-146.

5th Science:
Complete the "Mystery 4: End of Mystery Assessment" WS.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 165-168.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 137-140.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 159-162.


4th Math:
Prepare for Tuesday's chapter 2 test.  As it was on Friday, continue practicing your subtraction and addition problems on IXL.

5th Soc:
Complete the Lesson 6: Accepting Differences worksheet.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Homework, Week of October 11th


5th Math:
Prepare for Monday's chapter 2 test. Log into IXL and complete 10 of the problems for each of the following skills: C.8, C.12, C.13 and C.16. Make sure you write down the skill, the problem, what you did to get the answer and whether you got the problem right or wrong.

4th Math:
Complete the practice test to better prepare you for Tuesday's chapter 2 test. Log into IXL and complete 10 of the problems for each of the following skills: B.4, B.9, C.1 and C.7. Make sure you write down the skill, the problem, what you did to get the answer and whether you got the problem right or wrong.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 145-147. Your chapter 2 test is Monday.

5th Soc:
Prepare for your chapter 1 test. It's on Friday. You can use your notes but not your book or study guide.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 139-142

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 115-118

5th Science: 
Use the "Universe in a Box" to explain to someone at home how you know the earth orbits the sun.
Make sure you list the procedures you are using to explain this concept as well as documenting their response to this explanation.

4th Science:
Complete the "Move Your Muscles!" worksheet.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 133-136

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 109-112

Monday, October 3, 2016

Homework, Week of October 3rd


5th Math:

Complete journal pages 127-130.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 121-124.

5th Soc:
Complete worksheet titled: Using the Land


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 115-118.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 101-104.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 95-98.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 107-110. You have a quiz on sections 1-5 Tuesday.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 89-92.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Homework, Week of September 26th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 101-104

5th Soc:
Complete your "Climate and Vegetation" worksheet.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 95-98

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 81-84

5th Science:
Complete the Spaceship Earth WS if not already finished in class.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 89-92

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 75-78

4th Science:
From your toes on up, list the joints that you have in your body.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 83-86

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 69-72


5th Soc:
Complete the second step worksheet for lesson 3.

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 63-66

Monday, September 19, 2016

Homework, Week of September 19th


5th Math:
Continue preparing for your chapter 1 test on Monday, especially the vocab words.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 67-69 and the practice test.  We will go through all problems on Friday in class.  Your chapter 1 test will be on Monday.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 51-54

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 45-48

5th Soc: 
Complete the Lesson 2: Listening with attention worksheet.

Homework, Week of September 19th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 63-66

4th Math:
Complete the worksheet on rounding and prepare (especially the vocab words) for Thursday's test.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 57-60


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 51-54

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 45-48

5th Soc: 
Complete the Lesson 2: Listening with attention worksheet.

Homework, Week of September 19th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 51-54

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 45-48

Monday, September 12, 2016

Homework, Week of September 12th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 45-48

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 39-42


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 39-42


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 31-34


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 31-34

5th Soc: 
Complete the Lesson 1 worksheet from Second Step

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 25-28

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Homework, Week of September 6th


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 25-28

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 19-22


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 19-22

4th Math:
Complete journal pages 13-16

5th Social Studies:
Complete the "Read a Map" worksheet.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 13-16

Monday, June 6, 2016

Homework, Week of June 6th


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 575-578


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 569-572


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 563-566

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Homework, Week of May 31st


4th Math:
Complete the am I ready worksheet.

6th Math:
Complete text problems #5-11 on p. 422 and 423 and journal pages 215 - 218.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 591-594.


4th Math:
Continue to prepare for Wednesday's math test.

6th Math:
Complete text problems #4-16 on p. 416 and 417.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 585-588.

6th Reading:
Complete the Queen of the Deep worksheet.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Homework, Week of May 23rd


4th Math:
Complete the handout to Simplify Improper Fractions and Converting Mixed Numbers to Fractions.

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 211-214.  Make sure you refer to text p. 414.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 579-582


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 545-548


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 539-542

6th Math:
Complete the practice quiz and check your answers with what I gave you this afternoon. Your quiz on sections 9-1 through 9-3 is Wednesday.

6th Soc:
Complete questions 2, 4, 5 and 6 on p. 201


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 533-536

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 208-210 and text pages 407-409 #5-31 ODD

Monday, May 9, 2016

Homework, Week of May 9th


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 525-528.

6th Math:
Complete text pages 394-395 #4-23 all, except for #12 and 14.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 571-574.

6th Reading:
Complete your unit 7 vocab packet.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 519-522.

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 199-202.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 565-568.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 513-516.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 559-562.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 507-510.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 553-556.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Homework, Week of April 25th


4th Math:
Continue practicing factor pairs of numbers, and determining if a number is prime or composite.  Your quiz on sections 1 and 2 is on Thursday.

6th Math:
Complete text p. 380 problems 1-10. Your quiz on sections 3 and 4 is on Thursday.

5th Math:
Continue preparing for your Chapter test, which is on Friday.


6th Math:
Complete text p. 378-379 problems 4-17.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 533-536

6th Soc:
Your chapter 8 test is Friday. You can use your notes for the test.  Some things you will be asked:
How did slavery weaken the Roman Republic?
How did geography play a role in the rise of Roman civilization?
How did treating people fairly help Rome to increase its power?
How did Augustus change the Roman Republic?
How did the Roman Empire change during Pax Romana?


6th Math:
Complete journal pages 193-196

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 527-530

Monday, April 11, 2016

Homework, Week of April 11th


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 487-490.

6th Math
Complete text pages 372-373 #3-15 all.


6th Math
Complete journal pages 189-192.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 515-518.


6th Math
Complete 10 problems for each of the following IXL skills: BB.32, 33, 34, 35 and 37

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 509-512

Monday, April 4, 2016

Homework, Week of April 4th


6th Math:
Review your practice quiz answers and work on comparable problems to get ready for Thursdays quiz on sections 1 and 2.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 505-506.  Your quiz on sections 1-4 is on Thursday.

6th Reading:
Complete Support Coach p. 272 and p. 93


4th Math: 
Complete journal pages 467-473 if you haven't completed them in class already.
Complete practice test 3A.  We are reviewing this in class Tuesday.  Your chapter 7 test will be on Wednesday.

6th Math:
Complete your text pages 364-365 problems 3-16 ALL.  Your quiz on sections 1 and 2 is on Wednesday.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 501-504.  Your quiz on sections 1-4 is on Wednesday.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Homework, Week of March 28th


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 461-464

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 495-498 as well as the back side of your order of operations handout.


6th Math:
Complete journal pages 185-188

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 489-492.

6th Soc:
Complete text p. 238 problems 1-6 -or- number 7.


6th Math:
Complete text p 358-359 #7-27 ALL 

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 483-486.

6th Reading:
Complete Support Coach pages 269-270


6th Math:
Complete journal pages 181-184

Monday, March 21, 2016

Homework, Week of March 21st


4th Math:
Complete the order of operations WS.  Your quiz on sections 5-7 is on Thursday.

6th Math:
Review for your chapter 7 test on Thursday.  Use the examples on p. 345-347 to help direct which section contains what materials.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 453-456.

6th Math:
Complete your practice test.  We are going through the answers on Wednesday. Your chapter 7 test is Thursday.

Complete worksheet pages 149-150.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 447-450.

6th Math:
Complete text pages 342-343 #7-33 odd as well as p. 344 #1-17.  Make sure you check your answers to the odd problems and compare your work to the quiz prep answer key.  Your quiz on sections 5-7 is on Tuesday.

5th Math:
Complete your study guide and prepare your vocab words provided in class today.  Make sure ALL problems are attempted before you come to class on Tuesday. Your chapter 6 test is on Wednesday.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Homework, Week of March 12th


6th Math:
Complete journal pages 175-178.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 463-466.

6th Reading:
Complete your Article Poem
Complete your unit 6 vocab packet.
Complete your TFK on Giant Pandas


6th Math:
Complete journal pages 171-174.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 450-454.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 431-438.  You have a quiz on sections 1-4 on Tuesday.   We will review the Check My Progress page before the quiz tomorrow.

6th Math:
Complete text p. 329-331 problems 5-45 ODD as well as the 2-sided handout given to you in class on Monday.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 445-448.

6th Reading:
Continue working on your "found poetry" from the articles you chose.  This will be due Thursday.  Remember, your poem should not represent the article you are taking the words from.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Homework, Week of March 7th


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 427-430

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 167-170


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 421-424

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 437-440

6th Reading:
Bring in an article from a newspaper or magazine (it can be an online printed copy).  


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 415-418

6th Reading:
Complete the TFK on Steph Curry.


6th Math:
Complete text p. 319-320 #4-22 ALL as well as text p. 323 #1-14.  Check your answers with the ones I gave you in class.  Your quiz on sections 1-4 is on Tuesday.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 431-436.  Your quiz on sections 6-9 is on Tuesday

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Homework, Week of February 29th


6th Math:
Complete text problems 7-33 ODD on pages 312-313.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 425-428

6th Reading:
Complete Support Coach pages 267-268 and 68-69 if not already completed in class.


4th Math:
Your chapter test is on Friday.  Don't forget to practice the 9 vocab words and terms we talked about in class today.

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 159-162

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 419-422


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 399-403 and problems 13-20 on practice test 3B.  Your chapter test is on Friday.

6th Math:
Complete text pages 305-306 #7-47 ODD

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 413-416

Monday, February 22, 2016

Homework, Week of February 22nd

Soc Project

Look at the project ideas below and identify and rank at least 3 projects that you would like to work on with your
cooperative group. We are starting project work Monday!

Project options:
Make a Greek flag

Greek Foods (make a Greek menu for Olympic competitors)

Mini Market stand – buying and selling

Olympic Traditions

Head shots of gods including medusa (wanted poster).

Game board.

Pottery vases, bowls, etc.

Greek Alphabet project (A-Z)

Persuasive letter to Zeus
Role: a god or goddess from Greek Mythology
Audience: Zeus
Format: Persuasive Letter
Topic: Persuade Zeus to give you a new power that will help you do your job better

Make headdresses.

Greece flipbook

Ancient Greece Times Newpaper filled with articles that tell about different aspects of Ancient Greece at that time.
Write as though they are reporters living in those days. Some topics: Athens, Sparta, olympics, city-state news,
pottery, theater, etc. It's usually done on large paper and they must include picture and illustrations.

Greek mythology trading cards or family tree.
Outline what it would be like to live in Ancient Greece (write from a range of perspectives).

Info for everyone:

Ancient Greek world:

Greek Mythology:

Alexander the Great:



Troy/The Trojan War:

Use these questions on your horse?

Game and images:


6th Math:
Complete journal p. 149-150.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 405-408.


4th Math: 
Complete journal pages 381-384

6th Soc:
Complete text p. 186 #1-6 and p. 187 #15-18.

5th Math: 
Complete journal pages 393-396


4th Math: 
Complete journal pages 375-378

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 147-148 and text page 283 #9-15 ODD (should have mostly been done in class).  After, complete your quiz prep on p. 284.  When finished, check your answers with the key I gave you in class.  If you made any mistakes, go back and retrace your steps to identify what you missed.  Your quiz on sections 4 and 5 is on Wednesday.

5th Math: 
Complete journal pages 387-390

6th Reading:
Complete Support Coach pages 265-266.


4th Math: 
Complete journal pages 369-372

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 144-146 and text pages 279-281 #15-53 ODD.  Make sure you are checking your work in the text as you go along so you know you are staying on track.

5th Math: 
Complete journal pages 381-384

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Homework, Week of February 16th


4th Math:
Complete the math drills division worksheet letter a.  Make sure you include your check step in the solving process.

6th Math:
Complete text pages 272-273 #5-37 ODD

4th Math:
Prepare for your quiz on Friday.  You were given a division worksheet with the answers on the back.  Use the problems to help you practice 1) determining the quotient and remainder (if any) and 2) using your reverse operation to check your work.

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 139-142.

5th Math:
Complete the "Am I ready?" and Pretest worksheet.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 355-358

6th Math:
Prepare for your quiz on sections 6-1 through 6-3.

5th Math:
Study for your Chapter 5 test.  Make sure you know the vocabulary words we have discussed at great length this chapter!

6th Reading:
Pick a familiar song you'd like to share with the class.  You can hand write or cut and paste the words into a doc. Be prepared to give an explanation as to why you chose the song.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Homework, Week of February 8th


6th Math:
Complete text p. 264 #5-19 ODD and p. 265 20-27 ALL

6th Reading:
Complete Support Coach pages 53-54.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 349-352

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 135-138

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 367-369 as well as your chapter test prep.  Both are due Tuesday.  Your chapter 5 test is on Wednesday.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 337-340

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 131-134

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 357-360.


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 331-334

6th Math:
Complete text pages 252-253 problems 5-32.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 351-354.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Homework, Week of February 1st


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 343 through 346.  You have a quiz on sections 4 through 7 Thursday.


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 337 through 340.


4th Math:
Study for your chapter test.  Make sure you are familiar with the vocabulary words and you are comfortable multiplying any 2-digit by 2-digit numbers.

6th Math:
Study for your chapter 5 test.  Use the practice test results to help determine what problems to better prepare for.  Make sure you have  your conversion chart with you Tuesday.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 331 through 334.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Homework, Week of January 25th


4th Math:
Complete your practice test.  Your Chapter 5 test will take place on Tuesday.  Make sure you practice your vocab words using the note cards I gave you.

6th Math:
Complete your quiz for sections 5.5 through 5.7.  Take as much time as necessary to ensure you understand the problem, have a plan to solve the problem, solve the problem and check your steps!

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 325-328


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 313-316.

6th Math:
Complete text p. 238.  Check your answers with the ones I gave you. You have a quiz on sections 5.5 through 5.7 on Friday.

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 321-322 (most should have finished this in class).  After, complete 10 problems on IXL for each of the following 5th grade skills: G.7, G.8 and G.9.  Make sure you are writing down the steps to completing each problem.  Your quiz on sections 1 through 3 is Friday.

6th Soc:
Answer questions #5-11 on p. 148.  Your chapter 4 test is on Friday.  Make sure your notes are ready!


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 307-310

6th Math:
Complete journal pages 121-124.  Use Khan academy videos as reference if you need assistance for how to convert from unit to unit (ie. feet to centimeters).

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 317-320

6th Reading/Soc:


5th Math:
Complete journal pages 311-314


6th Math:
Complete text pages 229-230 #9-39 ODD

5th Math:
Complete journal pages 305-308

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Homework, Week of January 19th


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 301-304

6th Math:
Complete text p. 222-223 #9-37 ODD


6th Math:
Complete journal pages 113-116


4th Math:
Complete journal pages 295-298

5th Math:
Study for your chapter test.  Make sure you are familiar with the definitions from the chapter, including compatible numbers, rounding, dividend, divisor, quotient.

6th Reading:
Complete the TFK "The Year in Pictures" worksheet.