Monday, September 24, 2012

Homework - Week of September 24th

Friday, September 28th

Students are expected to read a minimum of 30 minutes per day this weekend.

6A: Complete the writing prompt relating to your novel.  This should be a minimum of one page in length.

Thursday, September 27th

Social Studies:
Study for your Chapter 1 test.  Make sure you can navigate through your notes and you can find information easily.  If you can, you are ready!

Wednesday, September 26th

No homework.

Tuesday, September 25th

Test on "Nadia the Willful" Wednesday.  Questions to help prepare you for the test:

  • Describe the setting
  • How is the story affected by the setting?
  • Vocab words to know: Ponder, banished, decree, clan, bazaar
  • What is the morale of the story?
  • Why does the sheik not want people to say Hamed’s name?
  • What do you think the main purposes of having laws?  
    Do you think that people have the right to break laws that they disagree with? 

Monday, September 24th

Reading (6B only):
Read the remainder of "A New Friend" (handout) and write about a 1/2 page response to the "Thinking About the Ending".

Social Studies (6A only):
Complete questions 1-5 on p. 23.  You can use your notes and your textbook for this assignment.  This will be entered as a quiz grade.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Homework - Week of September 19th

Friday, September 21st

Writing: Complete your FINAL draft of your "Strike" writing.  It is due at the start of class Monday. Per our discussion today, it should be at least 3 paragraphs in length.  Each paragraph should contain a minimum of 3 sentences.  Compare your assignment with the rubric to get a gauge for what your grade will be.  This assignment should be typed or hand written on notebook paper.  If hand written, it should be in blue or black ink.  The ones that are most "wall worthy" are going up next week!

*If you would like, you can email me your assignment (send as a word doc, please don't paste in an email).  My email address is

Reading:  Read the remainder of "Nadia the Willful".  Complete ONE of the three quick writes on p. 28. This is due Monday.

Thursday, September 20th

Writing: Complete your second draft of your "Strike" writing.  Since we had a peer review in class today and you are taking more time to analyze/apply the writing process, your second draft should be nearly ready for the final draft.  We, as a class, will be reviewing the 2nd draft Friday.  It's time to dust off the document camera and show the class your work!

Wednesday, September 19th

Writing: 1) List several brainstorm items in your pre-writing.  2) Complete your first draft of your "Strike" writing.  This draft should be at least one page in length.  It will be reviewed by one of your peers Thursday.  The details:

Persuasive Writing.  Refer to page 772 and 796 of Lit book.
Writing prompts:

  • Did you or did you not support the strike?
  • If you were in charge, what would you have done differently?
  • Do you feel like you will benefit from the strike?

You can respond to 1-3 of the writing prompts. Use the textbook as a guide for how to organize your piece.
Don't worry about mistakes. This is a first draft! 

Social Studies: Show this blog to your one of your parents, if you they sign the "I have seen the homework blog. It has been added this site to my list of favorites!" form and you return it Thursday, you will receive 10 points.  If you turn it on Friday, you will receive 9.  You get the idea for how this works!