Monday, September 24, 2012

Homework - Week of September 24th

Friday, September 28th

Students are expected to read a minimum of 30 minutes per day this weekend.

6A: Complete the writing prompt relating to your novel.  This should be a minimum of one page in length.

Thursday, September 27th

Social Studies:
Study for your Chapter 1 test.  Make sure you can navigate through your notes and you can find information easily.  If you can, you are ready!

Wednesday, September 26th

No homework.

Tuesday, September 25th

Test on "Nadia the Willful" Wednesday.  Questions to help prepare you for the test:

  • Describe the setting
  • How is the story affected by the setting?
  • Vocab words to know: Ponder, banished, decree, clan, bazaar
  • What is the morale of the story?
  • Why does the sheik not want people to say Hamed’s name?
  • What do you think the main purposes of having laws?  
    Do you think that people have the right to break laws that they disagree with? 

Monday, September 24th

Reading (6B only):
Read the remainder of "A New Friend" (handout) and write about a 1/2 page response to the "Thinking About the Ending".

Social Studies (6A only):
Complete questions 1-5 on p. 23.  You can use your notes and your textbook for this assignment.  This will be entered as a quiz grade.

1 comment:

  1. Mr.Resh,
    you didn't put the homework up :)
    (you could have written "No Hmework")

    Ben 9-26-12
