Monday, February 24, 2014

Homework, Week of February 24th

Thursday, February 27th

5th Soc:
Your Chapter 8 test is Friday.  The study guide is due Friday.  Your notes should be all updated by the time you take your test Friday.  You can use your notes for the test!

Wednesday, February 26th

5th Soc:
Reminder that your Chapter 8 test is Friday.  Tomorrow, you will get your study guide which is due Friday.  Your notes should be all updated by the time you take your test Friday.

216 Math: 
Complete SL 6-3

Tuesday, February 25th

216 Math: 
Complete SL 6-2

Monday, February 24th

216 Math: 
Complete SL 6-1

Monday, February 17, 2014

Homework, Week of February 17th

Wednesday, February 19th

216 Math: 
Reminder: The Chapter 5 test will be Thursday.  Go on IXL and practice practice practice.  Few of you completed both of your test prep worksheets. Even if you did, go through the process for how to solve the problems.

Tuesday, February 18th

216 Math: 
Complete Chapter 5 Practice Problems and the Fractions worksheets.  Both are due Wednesday.  The Chapter 5 test will be Thursday.

Monday, February 17th

216 Math: 
Complete SL 5-12.  Depending on the number of students in class who turn in 5-12 (for 5-11, it was less than 40%), the test will be on either Wednesday or Thursday.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Homework, Week of February 10th

Friday, February 14th

216 Math:
Complete SL 5-11

All of 5th Grade:
Complete problems 1-10 on Domain 2 Assessment worksheet.  Be sure to include ALL of your work You can use the space next to the problems.

Thursday, February 13th

216 Math:
Complete SL 5-10 and Journal page 155.

Monday, February 10th

216 Math:
Complete SL 5-9

Monday, February 3, 2014

Homework, Week of February 3rd

Friday, February 7th

216 Math:
Complete Journal pages 147-148 and SL 5-8 without using a calculator!

4th and 5th Soc:
Complete the TFK Winter Olympics worksheet.

Thursday, February 6th

216 Math:
Complete Journal pages 147-148.

Don't forget to turn in your signed report cards!

Wednesday, February 5th

216 Math:
Complete Fractions and Decimals: SL 5-7.

Don't forget to turn in your signed report cards!

Monday, February 3rd

216 Math:
Complete Fractions and Decimals WS as well as SL 5-6.

4th Soc: 
Complete the Jane Addams worksheet.