Thursday, January 3, 2013

Homework - Week of January 3rd

Friday, January 4th

The same details from yesterday's posting apply.
1) Social Studies TV watching - Due Monday.
2) Writing: Philosophical Question - Due Monday.
3) Ancient Greece Project - Due Monday. Additional details:
You only have to present for about 60-90 seconds. That translates to 1-2 paragraphs of research to summarize and document (typed or neatly hand written).

I will give you about 15 minutes to wrap up your project and prepare for your presentations. The projects are going on the bulletin board Monday after school!

Thursday, January 3rd

Social Studies (from before the break):
Watch whatever TV shows you normally watch.  When you do, write down the name of the show you are watching.  Record the number of times you see someone in possession of a weapon of any sort.  You can decide whether to just include handguns or all types.  Just make sure you specify what you are keeping track of.

If you do not watch television, no problem.  Write a quick letter with this information and have a parent/guardian sign it.  You will receive full credit for this assignment.

This will not be considered late if it is turned in by 1/7/13.

Due Monday, January 7th.  Continue working on answering your philosophical question.  You should have at least four paragraphs as follows: Introduction paragraph, paragraph containing the pro side of the philosophical question, paragraph containing the con side of the philosophical question, and conclusion. This is where you include your perspective, thoughts and philosophical belief (your attempt at answering the question).

Social Studies Project: Ancient Greece - It's All Greek to Me!
Project options:
Greek Foods (make a Greek menu for Olympic competitors)
Mini Market stand – selling items from ancient Greece
Travel Brochure
Olympic Traditions
Head shots of gods including medusa (wanted poster).
Game board.
Pottery vases, bowls, etc.
Greek Alphabet project (A-Z)

Persuasive letter to Zeus
Role: you are a god or goddess from Greek Mythology
Topic: Persuade Zeus to give you a new power that will help you do your job better


Greece flipbook



Ancient Greece Times Newpaper filled with articles that tell about different aspects of Ancient Greece at that time. Write as though they are reporters living in those days. Some topics: Athens, Sparta, olympics, city-state news, pottery, theater, etc. It's usually done on large paper and they must include picture and illustrations.

Greek mythology trading cards or family tree.

Outline what it would be like to live in Ancient Greece (write from a range of perspectives).

Info for everyone:

Ancient Greek world:

Greek Mythology:

Alexander the Great:



Troy/The Trojan War:
Use these questions on your horse?

Game and good image:

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Resh I sent an important e-mail regarding my philosophical question!! It's very important PLEASE try to get to me before 9:30
